Jungo - Device Driver Development Tool Kits

In this page you will find information regarding Jungo's driver development tools and links to other driver related sites.

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Jungo provides a full line of driver development toolkits, designed to minimize the effort needed in creating high performance, reliable device drivers.

Jungo's tools enable you to create your PCI, ISA, PCMCIA or USB based driver once, and run it on any of the supported operating systems (currently Windows 9x, NT, 2000, CE, Linux, Solaris and VxWorks coming soon). All this without performance degradation, and without any royalties involved.
Which Product should I use?
Choose WinDriver if:

  • You are writing a driver for custom hardware.
  • You need to access your driver from your application only.
Advantages of using WinDriver:
  • No need to learn your OS internals.
  • No need to learn the MS DDK or any other kernel development tool.
  • Develop and debug your driver in user mode (ring3).
  • Same driver code will run on all common operating systems.

Choose KernelDriver if the following is true:

  • Do you need to write a Mini-Port driver? (e.g. NDIS, SCSI, ...)
  • Do you need to write a kernel mode driver that communicates with applications through IOCTL messages?
  • Are you creating a block driver or a filter driver?


Jungo's tools speed your development cycle, while maintaining optimal performance:

KernelDriver is a tool for creating full kernel mode drivers. As such, the driver you create will be a full kernel mode driver and will run with optimal performance.

WinDriver enables you to access your hardware from within your Win32 application, and requires no OS or DDK knowledge at all. The code you develop runs in the user mode (ring 3). Use WinDriver's "Kernel PlugIn" for drivers that require very high speeds and optimal performance. The kernel PlugIn executes your WinDriver based code in the kernel mode, thereby achieving optimal performance. (read more...)


WinDriver - enables you to access your hardware directly from your user mode application. Write your driver without having to master the operating system internals or the Microsoft DDK.


  • Simple - Your hardware is controlled directly from your application.
  • Extensible - Your code runs on Win 95/98, NT/2000, CE, Linux, Solaris and VxWorks transparently. Just re-compile!
  • Productive - Wizard assists you in diagnosing your hardware, and generating your driver's source code.
  • Powerful - Achieve kernel mode performance with WinDriver's Kernel PlugIn.
  • Robust - Includes many samples for jump-starting your development.

KernelDriver - The kernel mode device driver development tool kit designed to simplify the creation of full kernel mode device drivers. KernelDriver is a robust set of C++ classes that encapsulate long and complicated DDK tasks on Windows NT/2000.
KernelDriver requires some NT internals and DDK knowledge.


  • Fast - Reduces learning code for kernel mode driver development.
  • Dependable - Provides classes that encapsulate thousands of driver-tested lines of code.
  • Intuitive - Wizard creates code that drives the hardware you describe.
  • Readable - The C++ design provides for structured, readable code.
  • Extensible - Does not limit access to native DDK calls.

New driver developers will find that KernelDriver is much easier to learn and work with than the DDK.

Experienced DDK users will find that the KernelDriver model simplifies many tasks, making code much easier to develop, read, and maintain. KernelDriver does not limit any calls to the native DDK.

WinDriver CE is a device driver development tool for Windows CE. No ETK or CE internals knowledge needed. WinDriver CE features a friendly Wizard for easy hardware diagnostics and automatic code generation. WinDriver CE enables you to communicate with your hardware connected to your NT machine through the emulation mode(!). No need to create image files and use serial cables until your driver is fully debugged. The driver code created will also run on Windows NT, 9x and Linux.

WinDriver Linux - Like the other WinDriver versions, WinDriver Linux enables you to develop your driver code in the user mode, saving you the need to learn the Linux Kernel and its development tools.
Although WinDriver Linux does not yet feature the WinDriver Wizard, you may use the graphical Wizards on the Windows version to diagnose your hardware and auto generate your skeleton code. WinDriver Linux gives you a head start on running your hardware on the fastest growing operating system, without having to master the underlying details.

Contact Jungo

Please contact us with any question you may have regarding your driver project and will help you choose the best tool for your needs and support you through your entire development process.

Our contact information is:

Purchasing information: sales@jungo.com
Technical support: support@jungo.com
Information: info@jungo.com

Web: www.jungo.com

USA (Toll-Free): 1-877-514-0537
Worldwide: +972-9-8859365

USA (Toll-Free): 1-877-514-0538
Worldwide: +972-9-8859366

Order Our Products

You can order our products either Online from our secured server or via fax or phone. Just press here to go to our secured server or fill out our order form and Email or fax it back to us (see above contact details).

Either way you will receive your license string in a few hours and The package will be sent to you immediately afterwards.

We accept all major credit cards including Visa, Master Card, American Express and Diners. You may also pay by wire transfer or cheque (more details can be found in our order form).

Purchase from your local reseller

Country Company Name Telephone Email
Taiwan Sinter Information Corp. 886-2-2577-7755 Anita@mail.sinter.com.tw
Korea Yess World Inc. 82-2-3444-4407 sales@yessdata.com
Japan XLSoft KK 81 3 5440 7875 xlsoftkk@xlsoft.com
Germany IMCOR GmbH 49 711 70 89 003 info@imcor.de
Israel DSI 972 3 531 3333 shlomo@dsi.co.il
France Scientific Computers 33-1-3082-7707 claude.levy@scientific.fr
China Trustsoft Inc. 86-10-68713607 market@biaoge.com.cn
United Kingdom GreyMatter 44 1364 654 100 JohnL@greymatter.co.uk
Germany Keil Software 49 6221 862091 rkeil@keil.de
United Kingdom Computer Solutions Ltd. (COMSOL) 44 (0)1 932 829 460 sales@computer-solutions.co.uk
Hong Kong LOGON International Limited 852 25128491 sales@logon-int.com
Singapore Maverick Research Inc. 65 841 1983 ramesh@singaporegateway.com
Belgium Alcom Electronics NV/SA 32 3 458 3033 johan.bosman@alcom.be
Germany Kessler Software 49 - 551- 507 6200 pkessler@kessler.de
China Shanghai Jamcom Technology Co., Ltd 0086-21-64857891 james@jamcom-chip.com
USA MicroWare Technology 1 858 693-4280 gperkins@microware-tech.com
Denmark C88 45 70 10 48 88 jkn@c88.dk
Russia Winside Inc. 7 095 776 7683 sales@developer.com.ru
Belgium Alcom Electronics NV/SA 32 3 458 3033 johan.bosman@alcom.be
India Embedded System Solutions PVT.LTD. 91-80-3323029 esaindia@vsnl.com
Sweden Ecsab AB 46 35 461 77 johan@ecsab.com
Spain TGA INGENIERIA Y ELECTRONICA, S.A. 34-91-3589222 miguel.ruiz@tga.es
South Africa Vardaan Enterprises 27 82 85 09273 priyend@vardaan.com
Ireland FMG Electronics 353 566 4002 fmgelect@iol.ie
United Kingdom Direct Insight 44 (0)1280 700262 dani@jungo.co.uk

Useful Links

Microsoft Windows NT DDK
Microsoft Windows 9x DDK
Microsoft Windows 2000 DDK

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